Regular Classes
Here you will find information about regular classes we hold and how you can book your space.
Coffee, Cake and Craft
Every Monday 10.00am - 12.00pm
Bring along your own art/craft project, buy a hot drink and get a delicious slice of cake for free!
A wonderful opportunity to meet likeminded people.
No booking necessary
Adult Art Class
with Susannah from iheartartclub
every alternate Wednesday
10.00am - 11.00am
£10 per class on a pay as you go basis
Join Susannah for a chilled art class where you will learn multiple different techniques such as watercolour, collage, printing and painting.
To book your space, please email susannah on
Create Club - Home Education
with Jo from Creation Station
Alternate Wednesdays 10.30am - 11.30am
from 28th February
Creative club for home-educated children, parents are welcome to stay or drop off for this session. Each week will have a different activity based around a theme (currently The Art of Science)
​Dates: 5th & 19th June and 3rd & 17th July